Working in social usually means you have some sort of hand in campaigns or branding, but often can be the “hitting send” part versus having a seat at the table. My time at the Panthers has given me a chance to be one of the drivers of some of our biggest campaigns, presenting a huge learning opportunity on how to make something come to life in a long-lasting and meaningful way.

#TimeToHunt: Our evergreen campaign that is now entering its fourth season. Our marketing team was tasked with creating a new catchphrase in 2021 and when a member of our team mentioned “time to hunt” one day after a meeting, we never looked back. Working on this and finding new ways to integrate it into our copy, content, and overall ethos has been a continued source of inspiration and pride.

Vamos Gatos: The brainchild of myself and the same coworker who thought of Time To Hunt (shoutout Nicole if you’re reading this 🙂), Vamos Gatos began as a small initiative to acknowledge the Hispanic community that surrounds us in South Florida and has now grown into merch collections, takeover nights in-bowl, a corporate sponsorship entitlement asset, specialty jerseys, and a secondary rally cry for our fanbase.

Reverse Retro: A formerly annual campaign done by the NHL in partnership with adidas, we launched our Sun, Stick, & Palm jersey with a photoshoot on a yacht. Very South Florida! It was one of the best-received jerseys across the league and after we wore it for the last time on the ice, I led the charge in creating multiple pieces of content for a final send off. The example above is my personal favorite one – a player’s daughter was with us on shoot day and we gave her our Polaroid camera to capture content alongside our team. The results were more than we could have dreamed of.




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